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Yes, moths form cocoons. The cocoon is spun the moth pupa. Other insects form cocoons as well: earthworms, silkworms, and even the cases surrounding spider eggs are called cocoons. Butterflies do not spin or form cocoons.

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15y ago
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13y ago

In reality, cicadas molt their skin not a cocoon. They live most of their lives underground as nymphs. As nymphs their main physical difference is their lack of wings. After living underground, they dig up to the surface and molt their skin leaving as adults.

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15y ago

they leve a hole so they can get back out

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15y ago

they eat their way out of the weakest part of the cocoone

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14y ago

When they're ready to metamorphose- it's different for ever species

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12y ago

cicadas burrow out from the ground after they transform from grubs into adults ., then they develop wings and fly searching for a mate so no specific time.

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7y ago

Moths have cocoons and butterflies have chrysalis.

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16y ago

same as a butterfly 2 weeks

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15y ago

After metamorphosis is complete

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14y ago

It depends on the species.

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Q: When do cicadas come out of their cocoons?
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Are butterflies colored when they come out of cocoons?

Yeah but they r covered in cocoony stuff

Do butterfly's come out of their cocoons full size?

Yes. They did their growing inside the cocoon.

What type of bug comes from a cocoon?

There are many insects that come out cocoons. Butterflies and moths are obvious choices, however, fleas, some parasites, beetles and flies also have cocoons.

Why are cocoons boiled in hot water?

cocoons are boiled in hot water so that the gummy substance called the sericin can come out so that it is easy to pull out the thread called silk

What do cocoons do?

Cocoons do not eat anything.

What do cocoons eat?

Cocoons do not eat anything.

What day will Cicadas and Locusts all come on the same day?

Feb 14, 14140

How many types of cloth come from cocoons?

Silk is made from cocoons of the silkworm. If some other cloth is made from spinning some other cocoon, it would also be called silk with a modifier.