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if you take ecstasy on an empty stomache, and chew it, your eyes will be huge in about 3o minutes. if you swallow it then 30 minutes to an hour. it all depends on eye color also. blue eyes like myself turn completely black, my friends with brown eyes dont really get that big. its all different for everybody

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Q: How long does ecstasy make your eyes dilate?
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p.o.s(v) Dilate- meens to make or become wider, larger

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How do you Make a sentence using dilate?

The ophthalmologist said she would dilate the pupil before examining the injured eye.

Can ecstasy make you gain weight?

Ecstasy actually will make you lose weight. The methanphetamine in ecstasy makes it highly addictive. Unlike marijuana, ecstasy makes you not want to eat for many hours. So the more you take ecstasy, the less you'll eat.

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They don't, narcotics make your pupils dilate.

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