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I just got mine pierced yesterday... 35 seconds flat!!

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Q: How long does getting a nose piercing take?
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Related questions

Can you take a shower with your nose piercing in?

yes its totally save to take a shower with your nose piercing in

How long does it take for a nose piercing to close up if it hasn't healed?

About 10-15 minutes

Do you have take piercing out when getting surgery?

It depends on the surgery that you are getting, the hospital that you go to, and the type of piercing that you have, but normally they let you keep it in as long as the jewelry is not metal

How long would it take a 2 month old piercing to close?

It depends on where the piercing is. If it's in your nose then if will take a couple hours to close; if it's in your ear then probably a day or two.

How long does it take for a nose piercing to heal over after falling out?

eh.. mine closed in likee half hour.

If someone has their nose pierced have a cold and take their nose ring out Does snot come out of the piercing hole?

no, the piercing hole is too small.

Did kesha take her nose piercing out?


Did Miley Cyrus take her nose piercing out?


How do you change a nose piercing?

First you buy a new nose ring. Second you wipe the peircing with piercing cleaner Third you carefully take out the nose ring Fourth you wipe the piercing with more piercing cleaner Fifth you carefully put in the new nose ring.... TADA!!!!

Can you breathe through a nose piercing Like if you have a nose piercing and you take out the stud and plug your nostrils can you still breathe out of the little hole?

The hole from a nose piercing would not be large enough for you to take in a sufficient amount of air if you were to plug your nostrils. Air will flow through the piercing hole but you will still need your nostrils in order to take in enough oxygen.

How long will new piercing take to heel up?

It depends really on what type of piercing you get... See I got my nose done and that took 4 weeks to heal up :P

How long does it take to get your nose pierced?

all they do is, clean the side of the nose you want piercing with a antiseptic wipe and they also clean the inside. They then draw a little dot on your nose, ask you to look into a mirror and imagine it's a nose stud and ask you if you think your happy with where it is, the then take the needle quickly pop it in where the dot is then put a nose stud in for you after, the actual piercing itself takes about 35 seconds.