

How long does htaccess URL rewriting take?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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A few minutes, there isn't much to do in the way of URL rewriting using htaccess, its a simple process.

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Q: How long does htaccess URL rewriting take?
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URL rewriting is a technique that allows you to use a URL that actually goes to another URL within the same website. This is used mostly in dynamic database generated websites so the final URL is more Search Engine friendly. Example: You have an online store selling widgets. The page for the red widgets is: Using URL rewrites you could change this to: Both of those links would go to the same place but the second one would have much more value to the search engines. To do this you need to be using the .htaccess file. Example: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule red-widgets\.html To avoid any duplicate links within your site, you would then only link to:

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I guess the question in my mind is, why is it your custom URL's too long. I will assume that you are using a htaccess URL rewrite script of some kind. If this is the case the script may be taking the blog title to be part of the new URL name. You can alter the URL creation script to only use the first 25 - 30 characters of the forum title. This will reduce the size of your URL's After changing the function you must test to see that it still works.

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To shorten a long URL, use a URL shortening service like URLJunction . Visit the website, paste the long URL, generate a shortened version, and copy it. This concise link is ideal for sharing on social media, emails, or any platform where brevity is essential.

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IF your site address is too long you can shorten it using a URL shortener, like:tinyurl.combit.ly100.bzGoogle URL shortener

What is the best way to prevent users spoofing internal values in a PHP application by passing said variables in the URL?

You will want to set Register Globals to OFF This can be done through the php.ini file, or if you do not own the server through a .htaccess file. In the htaccess file put: php_value register_globals 0 If you want the functionality of register globals without the security holes, then if you are reading values from sessions or cookies, use the Superglobal reference i.e.: $_SESSION['username'] $_COOKIE['grant_access']

Very long URL that is hard to remember Should you apply for URL shortening?

try using URL shortening . some of the free URL shorteners are like Google URL shortner

What is URL and URL shortening?

URL is Uniform Resource Locator , a site address, while a URL shoortener is a service that assignes a small address to your site if it is too long. some of the famous URL shortener are like Google url shortner

Can you post a URL on

Yes. Simply copy the URL into your tweet. If the URL is too long when you can use a URL shortening website (such as to make a custom, small, email which will fit in your tweet.

What is the purpose of getting a short URL?

The main Purpose of getting a short URL is to reassign a considerably long URL address a short address like Google url shortner

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A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet. This is displayed in the URL bar at the top of your browser window. The URL bar is a long white rectangle with plain text in it.

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yes, []Whatever you link 2[/url*] btw you take out the *