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the whole thing takes a few seconds. i learned it in science class. we watched a real speed video and it took a few seconds

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Q: How long does interphase and mitosis last?
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When are nucleoli present?

Nucleoi are present in the interphase stage of mitosis

About how long does a human skin cell stay in interphase in mitosis?

A human skin cell typically spends about 18-24 hours in interphase before entering mitosis. Interphase consists of three stages: G1, S, and G2, during which the cell grows, replicates its DNA, and prepares for cell division.

Describe the stage of mitosis including interphase?

mitosis includes interphase in its stages

If a cell is not undergoing mitosis then which of the following stages is it in?

It would be in the Interphase stage. Interphase is the stage where a normal somatic cell is not undergoing mitosis and is the period of growth and DNA replication before the start of Mitosis.

Is interphase a part of mitosis?

No, interphase is part of the cell cycle and has nothing to do with mitosis, where the nucleus divides.

What are the two part of cell cycle?

Interphase and Mitosis.

When a cell is not in mitosis it is in?

It is in Interphase

How are inter phase and mitosis related?

Interphase and mitosis are related because they are in the same process. Although, many think that interphase is the first step of mitosis, prophase actually is. Interphase is just the intermediary step to prepare cells for possible mitosis.

What is the fastest stage of mitosis?

The fastest stage of mitosis is prophase, where the nuclear envelope breaks down and the chromosomes condense. This stage sets the foundation for the subsequent stages of mitosis to occur efficiently.

What phase prepares for mitosis?


Cell division and chromosome duplication?

Cell division is the process by which a cell divides into two daughter cells. Chromosome duplication occurs during the cell cycle when the DNA is replicated to create identical copies of each chromosome. This ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic material.

Is interphase of meiosis different from interphase of mitosis?

no. the activities within the cells are the same