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Pluto's largest moon is called Charon and it takes 6.39 days to travel around Pluto! It is also the largest moon in comparison to its "parent" planet in the solar system! (about half the size of Pluto)

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A very long time.

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Q: How long does it take Pluto's moon to go around Pluto?
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Is Plutos moon half its size?

Yes. Charon, Plutos largest moon, is about 1200km in diameter, while Plutos diameter is around 2322km, so Plutos diameter is about twice the size. In terms of volume though, Pluto is around 7.4 times as big.

Where is Plutos moon charon located?

about 12000 mi from Pluto

What is the diametre of Plutos moon hydra?

Pluto only has one moon and i don't think it is even a moon its a dwarf planet along with Pluto

What was discovered in 1978 and is half of plutos size?

Pluto's moon Charon

What is the name of plutos single moon?

Pluto has 3 known moons (as of 2011) Pluto's largest moon is Charon. The smaller moons are Nix and Hydra.

What is Plutos size?

Pluto's diameter is 2,274 km :)

What is plutos most interesting moon?

Pluto's most interesting moon is known as Charon. The moon is so big which makes Pluto to be referred as a dwarf planet.

What planet has a moon more than half its size?

Plutos largest moon, Charon, is relatively large by comparison with Pluto at 1,206 km diameter. Pluto's equatorial diameter is 2,274 km.Read more: Which_planet_has_a_moon_that_is_more_than_half_its_size

How big is Pluto compared to other planets?

Plutos mean diameter is around 2296 km, while Mercury's mean diameter (the smallest planet) is 4878km. Even our moon is larger than Pluto, the moon mean diameter is 3474km. So it is very small compared with the 8 major planets.

How many earths fit in Pluto?

i think the answer is about 0.19 of 'em can.

How long does it take for Pluto's moon to circle Pluto?

It takes Pluto's moon 6.39 days to circle Pluto.

Which planet has a moon more than half its size?

Pluto has a moon nearly half its size.?Pluto's diameter is about 2300 km, while its moon Charon has an estimated diameter of 1200 km. Of course, remembering that volume is related to the cube of linear dimensions, that means Pluto's volume is actually about eight times that of Charon.