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Rigel is beta Orion so I am not sure what the question is about.

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Q: How long does it take Rigel and beta orian to orbit each other?
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What is the scientific name for Rigel?

The star Rigel can also be called β Orionis or Beta Orionis.

Why are the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel also known as alpha and beta Orionis?

It is common for astronomers to identify stars in a constellation with Greek alphabets. This is called the "Bayer designations". Bayer, a German astronomer, designated the stars in a constellation according to brightness, but this is not always the case. Here, Betelgeuse is not as bright as Rigel but it is called Alpha Orionis, rather than Beta Orionis. One reason for this is because 400 years ago, nobody could accurately determine which star was brighter, and it probably seemed that Betelgeuse was the brighter star.

Why does Rigel have the designation beta Ori when it is a brighter star than Betelgeuse?

Answer When Bayer prepared his catalogue, there was no way to measure stellar brightness precisely. Traditionally, the stars were assigned to one of six magnitude classes, and Bayer's catalog lists all the first-magnitude stars, followed by all the second-magnitude stars, and so on. However within each magnitude class, there was no attempt to arrange stars by relative brightness. For example, in the Orion constellation, Bayer first designated the two 1st-magnitude stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, as Alpha and Beta, with Betelgeuse (the shoulder) coming ahead of Rigel (the foot), even though the latter is the brighter.Also worth mentioningis that Betelgeuse is a semiregular variable star, and sometimes IS brighter than Rigel.So, it is possible that Betelgeuse was mistakenly classified as the brightest because it could have been experiencing an increase in brightness at that time.

How long does it take light to reach the earth from Rigel?

The star Rigel, which has a visual magnitude of 0.18, is listed as the beta star in Orion (Beta Orionis). It has approximately 17 solar masses (17M), and is something on the order of 62 times the sun's radius. If Rigel was where our sun is, its outer boundaries would extend out around where the asteroid belt is. It would completely engulf all the inner planets. A link can be found below to check facts and gather more information. See related link for a pictorial size comparison.

Is beta ray bill thor?

No beta ray bill is not thor because thor was born in asgard and beta ray bill was born in another planet so no he is not thor.

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What is the letter of rigel?

In the constellation of Orion, Rigel is beta, which would be the Greek letter B.

What is the scientific name for Rigel?

The star Rigel can also be called β Orionis or Beta Orionis.

Is rigel part of a constellation?

Rigel is part of the constellation Orion. It is the brightest star in the constellation although it bears the name Beta Orionis.

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Rigel or Beta Orionis is a blue/white supergiant star of spectral type B8lab.

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These answers apply to the Northen Hemisphere. There can be 3 answers. If you go up, you encounter Mintaka. If you go left, you get to Saiph, but the next door star, to the top-right of Rigel, is Beta Eridani

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The two main stars are Alpha Cen (Rigel Kent) and Beta Cen (Hadar or Agena)

What are the brighest stars in the constellation Orion?

In order of visible magnitude: Beta Ori - Rigel Alpha Ori - Betelgeuse Bellatrix Alnilam Alnitak Saiph Mintaka

What does rigel have brighter then Sirius?

I'm not sure exactly what detail you want, but here's a start. Rigel is a triple star system. The main star of the three is a very luminous star. It is a blue supergiant star.

What is the red supergiant star in the constellation Orion?

Rigel (beta Orionis) is the brightest star in the constellation Orion and one of the brightest stars in the sky.

What is beta tron?

Beta tron is a device for speeding up electrons to extremely high energies with the help of expanding magnetic field. The beta tron differs from cyclotron in the two fundamental respects - 1) in beta tron the electron are accelerated by expanding magnetic field 2)the circular orbit has a constant radius.

Why are the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel also known as alpha and beta Orionis?

It is common for astronomers to identify stars in a constellation with Greek alphabets. This is called the "Bayer designations". Bayer, a German astronomer, designated the stars in a constellation according to brightness, but this is not always the case. Here, Betelgeuse is not as bright as Rigel but it is called Alpha Orionis, rather than Beta Orionis. One reason for this is because 400 years ago, nobody could accurately determine which star was brighter, and it probably seemed that Betelgeuse was the brighter star.

Where does the betelgeuse belong?

Rigel (Beta Orionis) is the brightest star in the constellation Orion and the sixth brightest star in the sky.It is a type B star and will have a temperature between 10,000 -> 30,000 KObservations have placed it's surface temperature at 12,130K. This equates to:21,374 degrees Fahrenheit11,857 degrees Celsius