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Full mobility will take several weeks but the pain should stop after the usual six weeks. Further excercises trying to turn the arm a full 180 degrees will decrease the time taken for arm to returen to full mobility.

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15y ago

I think it takes about 6 to 12 weeks, but I'm not entirely sure.

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14y ago

4 to 6 weeks to heal.

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Q: How long does it take a hairline fracture of the radial head to heal?
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how long does it take for a hip hair line fracture to heal and what is the treatment

How serious is a hairline fracture of the skull?

a hairline fracture is not as serious as you would think the skull can heal its self fairly quickly

What are the perfect conditions to heal a hairline fracture?

I'm not sure what your asking but in conditions meaning weather then leave a fracture away from weather lol

What can you do to heal a hairline fracture?

You must not use the leg or arm. Rest it as much as possible or use a cast or boot.

Do all hairline fractures need casts?

Yes..You Can Get A Cast For Just A Hairline Fracture It Still Means You Have A Fracture (break) And A Cast Will Be Used To Mend The Bones because however serious It Is The Fracture Will Need To Be Mended Hope This Helps

How long will a cervical fracture take to heal?

Depends upon severity of fracture,age, sex, site. Usually hair line # heals -wks with proper care.

How do you treat a forearm hairline fracture?

Hairline fractures can also occur when there is a sudden change in the way physical activity is performed. For example, if an athlete who usually runs on grass, suddenly begins running on concrete, he/she could develop a hairline fracture. Even a change in the intensity with which an activity is carried out can lead to a hairline fracture. For example, if a person who usually walks two kilometers on average suddenly decides to run for those two kilometers, they may develop a hairline fracture. To treat a hairline or stress fracture a doctor will usually recommend the use of crutches or a cast to keep the weight off the injured part of the body. Along with some medication for the pain and to prevent infection, this is a good non-surgical approach to treating a hairline fracture. In some cases, however, surgery may be recommended. Here the basic idea is to support the bone to help it heal. This is done by inserting screws or plates (usually in the foot) to keep the bones together. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides treatment and facilities for hairline fracture.

Does a hairline fracture to the neck of the elbow need a splint?

Take it to the hospital or doctor and find out

Does a hairline heal fracture need to be cast?

It depends on how susceptible it is to being hit again and whether moving your joint would make it worse.

How long does it take for a rib fracture to heal?

Each person will take a different amount of time to heal. In most cases, a fractured rib will heal within 6 weeks.

How long does a hairline fracture take to heal?

A: It should take 4-6 weeks but ... we are all diffrent and it might take longer or less time.

How long does it take for the pain to go away in a hairline fracture?

This is a very difficult question to answer without any background information about the person or understanding of the injury. It totally depends on your age, diet, level of fitness, metabolic rate, bone density, and how big and where the hairline fracture is located. There is a very, very small percentage of hairline fractures that refuse to heal without surgery, but for the vast majority of cases 4 to 6 weeks is a pretty safe bet.