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From September 1997- 5th December 14 years altogether.That is how long my friends pineapple head took. because he is a cripple head

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14y ago

it takes a pineapple two years to grow (23 months)

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Q: How long does it take a pineapple to grow?
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How many years does it take to grow a pineapple

In Harvest Moon DS how long does it take for a pineapple to grow?

It takes 20 days for them to fully grow. After you harvest the Pineapples they will regrow in five days.

How long does it take for a pineapple to grow in rune factory 2?

Well I heard that it takes about 20-30 days but I might be wrong.

Can pineapple grow in Texas?

No, it can not grow in Texas. The above answer is wrong, you can grow pineapple in Texas. You have to plant them in a planter so you can take them inside if it gets cold. If you buy a pineapple at the supermarket make sure it isn't over ripe. When you get it home grab the pineapple by the leaves and the stock and twist of the leaves. You can plant that part and it should grow.

How many years does it take to grow a pineapple?

A pineapple takes 3-5 years to grow. You get a lot of leaves at first, then the fruit slowly grows out of the center.

What type of weather does pineapple grow in?

In summer, pineapple can grow easily

What part of pineapple do you plant to grow pineapples?

The part of pineapple that you plant to grow pineapples is the the Pineapple Crown.

How long does it take for a pineapple to rot?


How are pineapples sustainable?

Chop the top of the pineapple. Dry it out a bit. Plant the top with leaves above ground. Water. Plant will grow. Pineapple will grow after flowering. This cycle is basically constant as long as you keep planting the pineapple heads.

Are pineapples sustainable?

Chop the top of the pineapple. Dry it out a bit. Plant the top with leaves above ground. Water. Plant will grow. Pineapple will grow after flowering. This cycle is basically constant as long as you keep planting the pineapple heads.

Does a pineapple grow best in sand or soil?

does a pineapple grow best in sand or soil