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Q: How long does it take a starfish to die on land?
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What prevents starfish from surviving on land?

A starfish can only live on the and for a very short time before they die. Starfish depend on saltwater to keep them alive and dry out and die when out of the water.

Do starfish die?

Yes they can

How are starfish and plants relative?

They both have to have water to survive. A plant has to have water and if the starfish gets taken out of water for a long period of time it will die.

Does starfish die after giving birth?

Yes a starfish does die after giving birth to baby starfishies.

How long can a starfish survive out of water?

Starfish can survive out of water for 5 days. Then, they die of dehydration. The only way a starfish gets on land is either by humans, or by the ocean itself. Starfish do manage to get back in the ocean, once the tide comes in. Sadly, many starfish don't make it, due to humans taking the little creatures home. Hope this helps! ............................................................If you dont want the starfish to die think of taking a bowl and scoop salt water out of the ocean into the bowl and put the starfish in it so it wont die.

How wide is a starfish?

you die

Can a starfish live forever?

yes it can live forever but some die when the waves pull the starfish and the starfish will be dead

Can a crab eat a starfish?

no because a starfish has a hard shell and can never die

What are some problems if you dry a starfish?

starfish would be dehydrated and it would die.

How long do bones dissolve under water?

It is difficult to say but I thing that they take as much as it takes when you die on land.

Why do starfish live in water?

StarfishNo. No known type of starfish can survive in freshwater. But Starfish can live on land or in other water. They can live some in the ocean, some not, and a lot in shallow cold water.

How do tsunamis affect starfish?

because tsunamis can beach starfish onto shre which would make them dry and die.:(