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As Dobermanns ears a relatively soft and their style for cropping is quite long, you could have to wait several months for them to heal. I have known a Dobermann take eight months for the ears to heal and stand upright by themselves. Therefore, you must be patient and change the support and bandages regularly.

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13y ago

My vet charged $300 for it, and it included all the tapings. But having said this, he asked for a commitment from me to see it through. You must be willing to do work as well, it is not as simple as surgery and immediately ears stand. It is a process that takes a few months. The day of surgery mine had a flexible collar on and ears taped. The ears stayed taped for 1 week. Then we went back to the vet and had them taken down. One reason to see how they were healing and to 'air' them out. They stayed untaped for a day. Then back to the vet to be taped for a few days, then tape off for a day. This sequence continues until the ears stand. I learn how to take the tape off so that didnt require a vet visit, but my vet wanted to do all the tapings. So I went to the vet on the average of 2 times a week for 10-12 weeks. When the tape is off -- you must exercise the ears. This means whistling, making screeching sounds anything that makes a dogs ears go to attention. My vet suggested also to get balloons and make the screeching sounds with them. Both my babies have beautiful erect ears and it was alot of work but well worth it. Do your research on the appropriate vet and what type of cut you are looking for. Search the internet for pictures that you like of the cut and take them with you to the vet's office. Also, if your vet is responsible the he or she will have pictures of previous cuts they have done. Take your time and make the best selections for you!

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9y ago

Cropping ears is cosmetic, in that it improves looks. But that is not all it does; it solidifies "the look of eagles" that is paramount to fitting into the job and renders an unmistakable profile. It is normally performed 9-12 weeks of age

And it comes with several benefits, both medical and functional:

1. The open ear allows for air circulation and reduces the accumulating fluids that create the environment that causes infections.

2. The conical shape contributes to improved hearing as well as directional capabilities that enhance the Doberman's watchdog abilities. With cropped ears the Doberman can locate to with 15 degrees the location of sound - and that includes the pounding heart of a home intruder!

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Q: How long does it take for a Dobermans ears to heal after they are cropped?
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How long do you have til its to late to clip my min pins tale?

I own and used to breed min pins so know the answer to this very well. Tails and dewclaws should be done no later than 3 days old. If it hasn't been done and your dog is older, check with your vet. It may be too late. You also need to ask yourself why you want the tail docked and if it is that important to you, why did you get a dog that's tail is not docked? Ideally it should be done at 3 mos. However I have personally had a Min Pins ears cropped as late as 1.5 years of age and they stood fine. I owned a Min Pin in the 1960s and his tail at 6 weeks was already cropped. I didn't have his ears done simply because I don't believe in this cruel fashion and no one can say it isn't cruel. It's all in the name of the breeder and showing off the dog. How would you like your tail bone cropped and your ears cropped, stitched and dipped in brandy?

How long does a does a Doberman need to sleep?

All dogs and puppies need their sleep, even Dobermans. Puppy Dobermans will sleep A LOT. Young ones - O year old Dobermans need tons of sleeping time. They will cry because they miss there parents. But, then they'll adjust to sleeping alone. Adult and Senior Dobermans need a nice and calm LONG sleep, just like puppies, only MORE. They say "NEVER wake a sleeping dog" because dogs don't 'oversleep'.

What is the biggest size you can gauge your ears?

the biggest size you can gauge your ears is as big as you can make it with out snapping your ear. gauge size goes from: 18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2,0,00,7/16,1/2,9/16,5/8,11/16,3/4,13/16,7/8,15/16,1" and so on. It is really endless in stretching, but take your time. and clinical studies have proven tat in 98% of the time your ear will heal as long as you don't stretch past double zero gauge size

How long does a bruised hip?

The amount of time it takes for a bruised hip to heal depends on the severity of the bruise. Everyone heels differently, so there is set amount of time that it will take for the bruise to heal.

Does Jazzy Bieber Have Her Ears Pierced Yet?

Yes he has got his ears pierced he got them done a long time ago

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Why do American Dobermans have pointy ears?

If a dobermans ears are pointy it means the dog has has surgery (cropping) done for their ears to stand and be pointy. A doberman is born with floppy ears and a long tail, but often get surgery to stand the ears and make the tail short.

Does a Dobermans tail fall off when is grows up?

No, dobermans tails are long and scrawny. Most doberman owners have their dog's tail bobbed (cut off) when they are puppies. Warning: tail bobbing should only be performed by a licensed veterinarian.

How long does it take for pitbull puppy ears to heal after cropping them?

The earliest clipped, the faster to heal. I knew a person that clipped his dogs ears a week after they were born but he was a veterinarian. There are breed that 6 months is recommended but that does not concern us. Mostly a two months is recommended for cutting puppies ears and the after care is a factor in healing of those ears. First the sutures should be removed by not more than seven days after surgery. After that, it will bring complications that will add more time to the healing period. If this is done properly without any complication, 3 weeks is enough for they to heal.

How long for a Boxers ears to heal after cropping?

generally you have to take the dog back to the vet to get the stitches removes 7 days later to avoid any scaring. then it can take up to two weeks for them to heal

What breed of dog has pointed ears?

The term is "cropped" it is done at a young age before completion of nerve ending development, the original purpose of cropping ears was for work or guardianship, if their is less ear-leather to be bit, pulled, snagged, or torn less injury would happen to the dog many breeds are cropped: Boxers, Great Danes, Dobermans, Miniature Pinchers, Affenpincher, pitbull terriers, Beaucerons, cane corsos, schnauzers the list goes on and on and on. As pets the look is just that purely cosmetic and personal choice

What type of tails do Dobermans have?

Mostly, Dobermans have bobbed tails, others have long tails that can maybe even curl and become a 'loop tail' a tail shaped like a loop.

Can you crop dogs ears at 5 months old?

No, the best time for cropping is usually between 8 - 12 weeks of age. Older than that is not recommended. It can cause scarring, crooked ears & infection.However, it is not necessary to clip a Pit Bulls ears as it causes unnecessary pain for only cosmetic reasons.

How long do you have til its to late to clip my min pins tale?

I own and used to breed min pins so know the answer to this very well. Tails and dewclaws should be done no later than 3 days old. If it hasn't been done and your dog is older, check with your vet. It may be too late. You also need to ask yourself why you want the tail docked and if it is that important to you, why did you get a dog that's tail is not docked? Ideally it should be done at 3 mos. However I have personally had a Min Pins ears cropped as late as 1.5 years of age and they stood fine. I owned a Min Pin in the 1960s and his tail at 6 weeks was already cropped. I didn't have his ears done simply because I don't believe in this cruel fashion and no one can say it isn't cruel. It's all in the name of the breeder and showing off the dog. How would you like your tail bone cropped and your ears cropped, stitched and dipped in brandy?

How long does it take for the scare tissue to heal?

it doesnt or if it does extremly years i still have scar tissue from where i got my ears peirced and the lady messed up when i was 5

If you have hair that is close cropped but not buzzed and the tips of your ears are just about covered how long will your hair grow in three months?

hair grows about half an inch per month.some say taking a supplement of kelp or brewers yeast stimulates the speed of hair growth.

How long does a does a Doberman need to sleep?

All dogs and puppies need their sleep, even Dobermans. Puppy Dobermans will sleep A LOT. Young ones - O year old Dobermans need tons of sleeping time. They will cry because they miss there parents. But, then they'll adjust to sleeping alone. Adult and Senior Dobermans need a nice and calm LONG sleep, just like puppies, only MORE. They say "NEVER wake a sleeping dog" because dogs don't 'oversleep'.

How long do you have to keep the studs in after you have had your ears pierced?

It is recommended to keep the studs in for at least 6-8 weeks after getting your ears pierced to allow the piercings to heal properly. Removing them too soon can increase the risk of infection or the holes closing up.