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Q: How long does it take for a crushed vertebrae number T5 to heal natrually?
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Take some time to heal yourself, look after yourself before putting yourself out there to experience love again.

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There are a number of saints named Francis. Please be specific.

Can bones heal after they are broken?

If bones are broken and heal, they always heal themselves when they are broken. All a doctor can do is see that they are properly set so they can heal properly and not at an angle. The body does the actual healing. A number of people walk around with improperly healed fractures.

Can horses self-heal broken bones?

It depends on the bone that is broken, how it is broken and how old the horse is. Tail bones (coccyx and caudal vertebrae) will generally be left to heal on their own without the need to set or cast the injury; leg bones will generally not heal even if a cast is placed over the break. Also, a smooth break tends to heal worse than a jagged break, because all the cracks and crevices in a jagged break help hold the pieces together. Finally, a young horse (colt, filly, yearling) will typically heal from broken bones better than a mature horse (mare, stallion, gelding) due to the increased weight placed on the skeleton.

How do you defeat the Cerberus in kKgdom Hearts II?

Number One tip: Heal often. Cerberus is strong and you'll need to heal a lot. You can dodge his attacks easily though. If you get low on HP and have no MP just keep dodging and staying away from him until you can heal.

What to do about your fishes internal damage?

I gave my fish a aspirin and he seemed OK. Just kidding you will have to give more detail. How so was he damaged? If it was something like being crushed make sure he is not being picked on so he can heal. If there is bacteria it totally depends.

Can mighty heal in wonderking heal allies?

if you are in a party yeah you could heal them

What is a sentence using heel and heal?

My heel is finally beginning to heal.

How does cartilaginous tissue heal?

It does not heal.