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Around 3-5 days if it is not fed. I don't know exactly how long but I predict it is around this time.

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Q: How long does it take for a fish to die in sims 3?
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What happens when you don't take care of a fish?

The fish will die.

Do Sims 3 sims ever die?

Yes the sims die. Like in all EA sims games your sim dies.

How does a sim die in The Sims 3 ambitions?

They will eventually die of old age. But they can also die from starvation or if they are in a household fire for too long.

How long does it take a sim to die in sims 3?

they die when the moodlets run out. (like starving, drowning etc.) it might be useful to press ctrl+shift+c and type in testingcheatsenabled true. after that you can drag the bars down.

Can your sims die on sims bustin' out?

Your sim can die by catching on fire if near one.

How do you know when you have beaten sims 2?

you cannot BEAT the sims 2. you play for as long as you want! sims die, give birth, and grow up! its like life. u cant beat it :)

How long does it take for a fish to die when out of oxygen?

they say that fish can holdtheir breath out of water for 30 secs. If the fish has a certain disease then they should be able to hold their breath for 1 whole minute.

Can sims die in Sims 3?

Yes, they can.

Can you die on sims 2 PSP?

Yes you can die on Sims 2 PSP

Can Sims die in Sims free play?

if its sims on the pc then yes

Why does a fish die when taken out of water?

it depends how long it stays out

Can Sims on The Sims 2 Die of Starvation?

Yes they can. If you are thinking of doing this I suggest that you go into options and take off free will, this way your Sim will not go to the fridge for food unless you make it. But make sure you look after your other Sims if you take free will off.