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It definently depends on the guy. If hes nice, polite, and really falling head over heels..go easy on him, aspecially if hes not many of the girl's first choises. He's just a hopeless romantic so it may take years until hes over you :)

If the guy is more of a reble, bad boy, it wont be long until another good lookin girl comes along and catches his eye. He's a player at heart, and he most likely isnt looking for a long time relationship.

If hes just your average joe, in between the two already mentioned, then hes really trying to get to know you, and he wants you to feel loved and he wants to always be protecting you. Thats when they can get clingy, so always remember to give him space and let him live with it for awhile. There's really nothing you can do to change any man's heart, it just takes time. It can take from 1 week to 10 years, you just never know

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Q: How long does it take for a guy to get over a girl?
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what are you talking about you have to be a girl to have a period if your a guy even if you are gay you will never have a baby not even a period

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