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From the date of conception to date of birth is usually 23 days. If you mean from when they go into labor, it could take a day.

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Q: How long does it take for a rat to have babies?
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If you have a rat that just had babies can you give a baby to a different rat that does not have babies?

no the rat that doesn't have babies might eat the babies be safe with the babies

Can rat poison kill babies?

YES! If a child ingests rat poison, take them to the hospital immediately!

Does a rat have mice babies?

No, mice and rats are two different species. Rats have rat babies, mice have mouse babies.

Does a rat feed its babies?

yes, like all mammals, rats feed their young milk. rats actually take wonderful care of their babies, and if it doesn't seem that your rat (if you have one) is feeding its' babies, it's probably because something is wrong and she can't. but yes, rats do feed their babies.

When can a rat have babies?

when its ready

Can rats have two babies at da same tyme?

No unless interaction from a male rat (such as getting a rat that is about to have babies). two female rats can not have babies

How long does a street rat live?

Forever. Oh, but be careful, rats can eat cats, and dogs, and babies.

How many babies can a rat have in two years?

60 babies

Can hairless rats and regular rats have babies together?

no a naked mole rat can't have babies with a rat

Does mother rat get depressed after you take her babies she had 13 and you are keeping 2 also getting male neutered it feels real bad taking them away thanks?

No, a rat will not be upset. She may look for the babies for a bit but will give up and forget them.

Does mother rat get depressed after you take her babies she had 13 and you are keeping 2 also getting male neutered it feels real bad taking them away but I must thanks?

No, the mama rat may look for the babies for a while but will forget about them in no time. This is the way they are in the wild.

How long does it take a rat to go through a wooden maze?

It depends on how you do it if you have a treat at the end your rat will take abot 30 minuts tops or less