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Q: How long does it take for a red worm to reproduce?
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What is a red worm?

A Red Worm also known as a Red WigglerWorms are

What is the most abundant worm?

the earth worm and the red worm.

What colour is a worm's blood?

Blood worm is red and kind of brownish

How do you use the worm to catch the fish on aqua grabber on club penguin?

you have to hit ur sub against the worm nest till the worm falls out. catch the worm, then go near a fish and try to get the fish to swim into the worm. the fish will grab hold of ur claw. then go to where the big red fish is and make the red fish swim into the orange fish and the red fish will eat it. u get extra points if ya take the red fish to the net. it don't matter if ya don't. then go through the passageway that u couldn't go through cos of the red fish.....

What is a flat 2 white worm with red mouth hooks?

i bealive it is a hook worm that is the only worm that i know of that has the teeth. and they can make the animal really sick and even die if not treated with a quickness.u can also take the poop that has a worm in it and imediatly stick it in a bag after the animal goes the take it to a vet and show the person at the front counter and ask them which worm it is that is free of charge and then u will no which worm it is and you can go buy the meds drom any pet store.

What is the best plastic worm for shallow moss covered water?

I have the best luck out of what we call red pumpkin seed worm it is a solid red clear worm with black and blue tiny dots it in

How old are red pandas before they reproduce?

they are 9 before they reproduce

How many hearts does a red worm have?


Is there a red wacky worm?

I think so

How do red squirrels reproduce?

sex ...

Is a worm a worm or is there no such thing as a worm and you have to be specific about every kind of worm?

There is such a thing as true worms. Some examples would be earth worms, red wrigglers, blood worms etc.

You found a orange worm or caterpillar that is four inches long and is covered in little red spikes. It is bigger than my thumb and I live in northern Illinois?

that is a zqfmgb, a rare worm only usually found in New Guinea