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It takes approx 48 hours for liver to completely remove all traces


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Q: How long does it take for alcohol to pass through your liver?
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Related questions

Does the food pass through the liver?

The actual food does not pass through the liver. However, the veins from the gastrointestinal-tract lead directly to the liver.

Why does the blood pass through the liver?

The liver filters the blood.

Why does the liver end up being 'hurt' by all types of different poisons and how?

*****THE HUMAN BODY HAS A "FILTER"*****THINK OF YOUR LIVER AS A "FILTER" for your body. Everything that you ingest, goes through your liver before it leaves your body in the form of waste. Medications, alcohol, vitamins, poisons, etc... ALL pass through the "filter" (your liver). If you drink alcohol over a long period of time, it takes it's toll on your liver, like a filter that is overworked. Same thing if you take medications, even Tylenol, or just about anything in large quantities over a period of time, it taxes or overworks your liver, and the liver can become damaged and inflamed. Cirrhosis is one type of inflammation of the liver, caused by too much alcohol. Alcohol mixed with medication also can overwork the liver, causing damage. Tylenol bottles now carry a warning label about mixing alcohol and Tylenol. They have found cases of liver damage and even liver failure when the two are mixed, in medium to large doses. So poison is not the only thing that can "hurt" your liver. It is only one extreme example of what can hurt your liver.

Can electricity pass through alcohol?


Can alcohol go straight to the blood stream through your mouth or stomach?

Small amounts of alcohol can indeed pass directly into the bloodstream from the mouth or stomach. Most alcohol passes into the bloodstream through the liver though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alcohol is absorbed from the stomach and small intestine by diffusion. Most absorption occurs from the small intestine due to its large surface area and rich blood supply

What reduces the blood alcohol level?

The only behavior that can lower BAC is patiently waiting for time to pass.

If you let a pill dissolve under your tongue will it still pass through your liver?

once asorbed the stomach breaks it the liver takes it. FILTER (liver) the liver is a filter

Where do the nutrients that pass through villi go?

They will pass through the hepatic portal vein to get processed by the liver before heading to the rest of the body.

During digestion foods do not pass through the?

The Liver. The liver only passes bile (fats) to the gallbladder and then to the small intestine

How long does it take for you to pass a breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol?

How long it will take for you to pass a Breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol, will depend on how much you drank. Alcohol is metabolized in the body at a rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration per hour.

Can you inject vyvance?

Nope, it is a pro-drug, which means it must pass through the liver to be converted into something active. IF you injected it, you would bypass the liver, wasting it.

What organs does food not pass through?

Liver would be your answer. I got this from my Glencoe text book .xx