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Q: How long does it take for blood to find a new path around sub vein blockage?
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How long have vampires been around?

they have been around since about 1789 when there were stories of blood sucking monsters

How long does it take your body to make new blood?

around 30 seconds

Can a blockage in the carotid cause nausea?

If the blockage is impinging on the vagus nerve, yes a blockage in the carotid artery can cause nausea. However, most common signs would include feeling faint, difficulty thinking (particularly for complicated or long-term tasks) and lack of energy.

What is lb217?

Lb 217 is Lycan blood as in the LB. lb217 is werewolf blood and it has been around for a long time and werewolves are really good

What are long term effects on blizzards?

Freezing of pipes, flooding, roof damage, and the blockage of power

What is the prognosis for patients with atrial fibrillation and flutter?

these arrhythmias can cause a blood clot to form in the heart. This can lead to a stroke or a blockage carried by the blood flow (an embolism ) anywhere in the body's arteries. Atrial fibrillation is responsible for about 15% of strokes

What are some of the risks to your health if you have high blood pressure?

a person with persistent untreated high blood pressure will cause heart disease, diabete, renal failure, stroke and visual impairment. high blood pressure will cause hardening of the blood vessels and further on causing artheriosclerosis in a long run process. blockage of coronary artery can cause heart attack and sudden surge of blood pressure can cause stroke due to rupture or blockage of blood vessel in the brain. as time went by, the heart will have to pump harder and this cause dilatation of heart chamber and causes heart failure.

How long is the movie blood in blood out?

Long as

How do cardiac muscle cells die?

From a lack of blood flow which is usually caused by some kind of blockage. If the muscle cells can't get blood, they can't get oxygen and they start to die. This is call necrosis. If the lack of blood last long enough a heart attack will occur.

How long does it take for a red blood cell to travel around your whole body?

approximately 7 minutes

How long does the average red blood cell remain in circulatory system?

Around Roughly 127 days

How long does it take for a red blood cell to circle around the body?

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