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My mom said 2 weeks

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Q: How long does it take for fingerhut to reply for a new credit account?
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Yes as long as it's a different account.

If your husband is the primary card holder does that give you credit history in a joint account?

Yes, as long as your listed as a "Co-signer" on the account. Credit is not build if you are just an "Authorized User" if this was a credit card account. Lastly, this all assumes that whatever this joint-account is that it reports to credit.

Is the credit card number the same as the account number?

No, The credit card number is the long string of numbers embossed on the card. The account number is not shown on the credit card - it will be on your statements.

How long does it take for Academy Bank to credit an account?

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So long as there's a balance on the account - the file will remain open.

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Yea If you Reply To Them Then It Will Still go Straight to Them as Long as they Accept it

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30 to 90 days

How long may a credit reporting agency take to reply to a consumer dispute letter?

30 days from the receipt of your letter

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As long as you have a debit or credit card. Then you will have the ability to create an account.

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24 hour

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How long to keep a credit balance on a customer's account depends on the balance, type of account, and state laws. Generally amounts lower than $10 must be kept on record for 1 year.

Can a person with bad credit open a joint bank account?

yes as long as co-applicant has good credit history.