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It takes around five hours for your food to completely go from your throat to your toilet. That's why you might not always need to relieve yourself right after eating.

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Q: How long from eat food to bowel movement?
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Why do dogs eat their bowel?

a dog might eat their bowel if they want more food

How do you ensure bowel movement everyday?

Eat more fibre.

What does sheetrock do to your body if you eat it?

It will give an upset stomach and you will have a white bowel movement.

What can someone eat or drink to trigger an bowel movement?

eat a packet of prunes - believe you me this DOES work!! good luck!!

Why is your bowel movement like mud?

There may be various explanations as to why your bowel movements look like dirt. This might be as a result of the type of food you ate. If you spot blood on your stool you should consult a doctor.

Why do you poopoo?

When you eat, there are always bits of your food that can not be digested. This food is drained of most of its water, this waterless food is stored in the rectum as Feces, until it is eradicated through the body as a bowel movement.

Is it safe to eat your bowel movement?

No not really as it contains bacteria and waste that your body needs to get rid of not to redigest.

What happens if you eat your bowel movement?

Nothing. But you might get nauseous and regurgitate your food. Your dilemma is whether to finish your food before you get up or wipe your bottom when you can't wash your hands... and what were you thinking of taking your food to the toilet in the first place!

How do you maintain a proper daily bowel movement?

Exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and eating a well-rounded diet are excellent ways to promote healthy bowel function. Many people think they need to have a bowel movement every day, but the reality is that people's bodies vary, and healthy adults range from three bowel movements per day to three per week. Your symptoms seem to fit the definition of constipation if you have less than three bowel movements per week, a subjective sensation of hard stools, a sensation of incomplete bowel evaluation, or straining during more than 25% of bowel movements. Long-term constipation can result in damage to your large intestine or hemorrhoids caused by blood-vessel breaks from straining to pass hard stools.

Does smoking marijuana cause bowel movement?

yes it does. i have been a heavy smoker for 2 years and have noticed the change it bowel movements. The intake of marijuana gives me the sudden urge to need to go to the toilet. This bowel movement may be softer than usual as well. Marijuana also affects your appetite. Leaving the user unable to feel as though they can eat, the body rejects the food unless marijuana is consumed. Leaving the body clock completelu out of whack!

Do pigs really eat everything even their own bowel movement?

Only if they are starving or aren't being taken care of properly.

What three things does a sheep do with its food?

They eat it, digest it, and then pass the undigested or unused feedstuffs out the bowel as manure.