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Q: How long does it take for heartburn to occur after eating?
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How to Avoid Persistent Heartburn?

Heartburn is a serious problem for many Americans. Luckily, there are steps that sufferers can take to help lower the frequency of heartburn, and even prevent it in some cases. One major cause for many folks is eating too close to bedtime; sitting down to supper should occur at least four hours before bed. The acids involved in digestion can have a tendency to reflux into the esophagus, causing the burning sensation, after a few minutes of lying down.

After eating How long does it take to be hungry?

As long as it takes. Or 6

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How do you make your chest stop hurting cause you ate too much?

chest pains after eating is more or less heartburn so take some indigestion tablets and that should help.

When is better to take ranitidine 300mg before or after eating?

Ranitidine, which is used for treating pathological hypersecretory conditions, is to be used as prescribed by your doctor. As mentioned by the source listed below: "You may take ranitidine with or without food. If you are using over-the-counter ranitidine to prevent heartburn, you should take it 30 to 60 minutes before eating or drinking foods that cause heartburn (up to twice a day)." It also mentions that, if you are taking it only once a day, take it at the same time everyday and it's best after the evening meal or before bedtime.

How long does it take to lose weight without eating?

a week

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Take chewable tablets

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How does one break free from emotional eating?

The secret to breaking free from emotional eating lies in resolving the issues that cause the eating disorder to occur. If you simply take away the food the disorder will continue when it is available.