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88 days, which is about 0.2 years.

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Q: How long does it take for mercury to revovle around the sun in earth years?
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How long does it take for mercury and saturn to orbit around the sun?

Mercury: 0.2408 earth yearsSaturn: 29.46 earth years.

How long do the mercury and neptune each take to orbit around the sun?

Mercury: 0.2408 earth yearsNeptune: 164.8 earth years.

What is Mercury's period of revolution around the sun in earth years?

0.24 years, approx.

How are revolution and year related?

it took 365 years to revovle

How many earth years is mercury to revolve the sun?

Mercury revolves around the sun in 88 earth days. More than four times in one earth year.

How old would a 13 year old be on mercury?

If someone could live on Mercury and still used an Earth clock, they would be the same age, 13 Earth years.However, if you lived there and had measured your age as 13 Mercury years, you would be just 3 Earth years old. Mercury's year, the time it takes to go around the Sun, is only about 88 days. So 13 Mercury years would be 13 x 88 or just 1144 Earth days (3.13 Earth years). Mercury completes an orbit 4 times while Earth is making just one.Conversely, if you moved to Mercury and wanted to express your age here (13 Earth years) in Mercury years, you would say that you were almost 54 Mercury years old (You are 4745 Earth days old, which is 53.9 Mercury years).

What is mercurys period of revolution in years?

Mercury's period of revolution around the Sun is about 88 Earth days.

How many years on earth is 1 year on Mercury?

88 earth days

How many orbits around the sun does mercury have in one earth year?

One of Mercury's years is slightly less than 3 months, so Mercury will have 4 of its years in one Earth year.

How many earth days are in 5 mercury years?

88x5=440 Earth days in 5 Mercury years

How many days does the mercury complete revolution around the sun?

How long does it take for Mercury to trvael around the sun ?

How many light years away from the earth is mercury?

Mercury Is 0.000131 lightyears away from earth