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i wish i new but my best guess would be several hours or a day =) :) by the way my name is carissa and i live in California on the street of moon shadow drive and my address is 28683 im not joking

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Q: How long does it take for silly putty to get gushy?
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What toy did the Apollo 8 take with them to space?

Silly putty

How long does it take for silly putty to dry out?

Yeah silly putty dries. I had one once, and I left it out of the egg thingy and it dried out really fast. Maybe it was just defective though. Hope this helps!

How long does it take for silly putty to dry?

i dont think know one really knows this question? but if they tried it they would probably know

How do you take silly putty of a blanket?

You need to freeze the blanket and the silly putty will loose its stickiness and pull off in little pieces. You can try ice on it too, but freezing the whole blanket will work better.

Silly putty on the remote?

place it in the freezer for a while then when you take it out try to chip it off. good luck!

What is an imprint of a cow?

The imprint of a cow is when you take a cow and press it hard into a large blob of Silly Putty. The resulting impression is the imprint.

How does Silly Putty help with smoking cessation?

Most people, when they quit smoking, feel jittery. Keeping you hands busy (with Silly Putty, for instance) is a way to give your body something to do and take your mind off the craving. Lots of quitters also chew gum. Also smoking uses the hands with the act of smoking as the smoker takes the cigarette to and from the mouth. When a smoker quits the hands can feel "restless" as thy now lack the tasks associated with smoking. The silly Putty gives the quitting smoker something to do with their hands.

How do you get silly putty out of a polyester blanket?

Silly Puttymy daughter had silly putty all over a new pair of pajamas and some one told me to use WD-40 it works but i would advise to do it out side and when you wash them wash them seperatly from anything else you may have to wash them twice to get the smell out and use a little bleach. -----Alcohol and alcohol-based hand sanitizer work well for dissolving silly putty. Everclear even removed black silly putty from a bright pink chair.You can also try "Goof-off" removes all kinds of stuff.

How long does it take for a donut to cross a river?

Don't ask silly questions!

How long does it take for eyelashes to never grow back?

They always grow back,silly!!:)

How long does it take to ship silly bandz to NY?

it depends,where you look they order them at difrent times

How long do hot silly peppers take to grow on moshi monsters?

3 or 4 hours