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About twenty-eight days.


There are a lot of ways of looking at this depending on your relation to the Earth/moon system:

  1. The Moon's orbital period in a non-rotating frame of reference is 27.32 days (27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds). This is the sidereal month. It is measured by observing how long it takes the Moon to pass a fixed star.
  2. A synodic month is 29.53 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 2.8 seconds) It is measured from New Moon to New Moon. This is the most common way of expressing the lunar cycle.
  3. An anomalistic month is the Moon's orbital period measured from perigee to perigee - the point in the Moon's orbit when it is closest to Earth. An anomalistic month is about 27.55 dayson average.
  4. The tropical month is the time for the Moon to return to the same ecliptic longitude, i.e. measured from the equinox; it is slightly shorter than the sidereal month because of precession of the equinoxes.
  5. The draconic month or nodal month is the period in which the Moon returns to the same node of its orbit (one of the two points where the Moon's orbit crosses the plane of the Earth's orbit). Its duration is about 27.21 days on average.
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14y ago
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13y ago

The earth and moon both orbit the same point between them, in 27.32 days.

Since the earth is so much bigger and heavier than the moon, the "common center

of mass" between them is actually inside the earth; so the moon makes this big orbit

around the point, but the earth barely wiggles around, and it looks almost exactly as if

the moon is doing all of the orbiting, around a stationary earth.

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14y ago

Since the earth and moon are both in orbit they wont ever reach eachother, but if the earth was moving toward the moon at the same speed and the moon was still, the equation would look something like this.

356,000 kilometers / 107,300 km/h = 3.318 hours

So at the rate the earth is orbiting around the sun.. if in a straight line toward the moon, the earth would reach the moon in just under 3 hours and 20 minutes

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14y ago

The moon completes one orbit around the earth in about 27.32 days = about 27days 7hours 41minutes. The earth completes one orbit around the sun in about 365.25 days = about 365days 6hours.

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13y ago

Once every 27 days. You would think that it would be 29.5 days, because that's how long it is from full moon to full moon, but it's 27 days. The extra 2.5 days is because the Earth travels along in its orbit around the Sun while the Moon is going around the Earth, and it takes the Moon an additional 2.5 days to "catch up" to be in the same relative position.

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14y ago

It takes the Moon about 27 days for a full orbit. A full lunar cycle however - from one full moon to the next - is 29 1/2 days.

It takes the Moon about 27 days for a full orbit. A full lunar cycle however - from one full moon to the next - is 29 1/2 days.

It takes the Moon about 27 days for a full orbit. A full lunar cycle however - from one full moon to the next - is 29 1/2 days.

It takes the Moon about 27 days for a full orbit. A full lunar cycle however - from one full moon to the next - is 29 1/2 days.

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13y ago

The moon completes one orbital revolution around the earth in 27.32 days.

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14y ago

The earth does NOT circle the moon. The moon circles the earth.

Moon circles the eart in 28 days

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14y ago

The earth and the moon both revolve around their common center of mass, making one

complete revolution every 27.32 days. Their common center of mass is inside the earth.

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14y ago

the moon takes around about 27.3 days to orbit around earth

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