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Q: How long does it take for the results of a rabies antibody test come out?
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How long would Edgar allan poe have lived if he didn't have rabies?

There is no indication that Poe died of rabies.

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befor school over

How long do cats with rabies live?

5 days

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Until the results of the toxicology lab results or breathalyzer come back.

How long can rabies live in the body?

Well first you get bitten and then you have spastic outbursts and become afraid of water and then you spwy white stuff and then you die.

Do all monkeys have rabies?

No. If they did, the species wouldn't last long.

Why do some bats have rabies and some don't?

In order to get rabies, an animal has to have been exposed to the disease, usually by being bitten or scratched by an infected animal. Most bats will not have rabies, as an animal that does get infected does not have long to live.

How long does it take for icas exams results to come out?

On average, the ICAS test results will come out online on the UNSW website in 4-5 weeks, but during the December Christmas season, the results may take longer, ranging between 6-8 weeks.

how long does it take for paternity results to come back.?

It depends on the company can be a few days to a few weeks.

Can ponies give you rabies if they have rabies and they lick an open cut on a human?

yes they can. since rabies is a blood born disease this is very possible. it also depends how big the cut is and how long the ponies mouth was on you. a safe thing to do is go to you doctor and get a rabies test if that ever happened to you.

How long does it take for a person to die from rabies?

if not immediately treated, the person is not expected to live for more than a couple days of contracting rabies. it is almost always fatal if not treated.

How long anti rabies vaccine for human lasts?

The anti rabies vaccines for humans is long lasting. It appears as if it will last for a lifetime. As a precaution, if bit by a suspect rabid animal, a course of treatment should still be followed.