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Q: How long does it take from Sydney to California on a boat?
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20 hours

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How long does it take to travel from California to Japan by boat?

By kayak, it would take about 35 days to travel from California to Japan. It takes 80 days by sail boat.

How long does it take to cruise by ship from Sydney to Darwin Australia?

about 30 hours if by car but around 14 in a boat

How long is a flight from Anaheim California to sydney Australia?

It would take around 16 hours.

Can you take a boat from New York to California?

yes, but that will take a long time. i would prefer going by plane.

How long does it take to get from California to Australia by boat?

It takes the amount of time it takes to watch a movie

How long would it take to drive from California to Hawaii?

It depends on the speed of the boat you're driving.

How long does it take to sail boat to sail from San Diego California to Cozumel Mexico?

Couple days

How long does it take to drive from Sydney to Wollongong?

From Sydney to Wollongong is a distance of 80km and take about one hour and fifteen minutes to travel.

How long does it take to get from Tasmania to sydney by ferry boat?

The ferry from Devenport, Tasmania travels to Melbourne and the ride is about 10 1/2 hours. To travel from Tasmania to Sydney, you will have to either take the ferry to Melbourne and take a bus, plane, train or drive to Sydney, or fly directly from Launceston, Devenport or Hobart, Tasmania.

How many hours does it take from California to Florida by boat?

If you resubmit this question, please be more specific. California is over 1000 miles long. Florida is over 500 miles long.