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As soon as it touches you.

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Q: How long does it take herpes to get into your system?
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How does our immune system fight herpes?

Your immune system fights herpes by using laser beams to deflect the herpes from attacking your immune system. They then take out riot shields and M16's to shoot/scare them off. That should tell those herpes to stay away from your immune system!

How do you treat herpes antibody?

It's not something you can treat. The antibodies are the reaction of your immune system to the herpes infection. The herpes virus however, will never leave the body because it hides in the nerves, where the immune system can not atttack it. Once herpes, always herpes unfortunately

How long to take to die from herpes 2?

they can live a normal life if they keep up the medicine unless they develop aids which is more serious and weakens the immune system so something like a cold can be dangerous. there is no cure

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If you take 100mg pill, it will take about 72 hours to get out of your system.

How long do stds stay in your system after being treated?

An STD generally leaves your system after being treated, but this varies depending on the STD. Genital herpes, for example, never actually leaves your system regardless of the treatment.

If you are doing an STD blood test more specifically to search for herpes how long does Ocycotton stay in your system when your have been doing one 80mg pill per day?

Oxycontin won't be found during a herpes antibody blood test.

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Does Crohn's disease cause herpes?

It does not cause herpes however the compromised immune system renders the crohns patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses including herpes zoster (shingles).

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