

How long does it take mercury to orbit the planet?

Updated: 3/13/2020
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14y ago

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Do you mean how long does it take Mercury to orbit the sun ?

87.969 days

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Q: How long does it take mercury to orbit the planet?
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How long does it take in days for the planet Mercury to orbit the Sun?

Mercury's orbit of the sun takes 87.969 days.

How long does the planet mercury take to complete one orbit?

87.97 days. A Mercury Year.

How long does it take for Mercury the planet rotate around the sun?

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun thus Mercury has the shortest orbit duration. It takes the planet Mercury 88 days to rotate around the sun.

How long does the planet mercury take it to orbit the sun in earth years?

It takes Mercury slightly less than 1/4 of an earth year to orbit the sun (88 days).

How long does mercury take to orbit eartrh?

Mercury does not orbit the earth - ever!

How long does Mercury take to orbit on it's axis?

The question is confused: a planet orbits around the sun or it rotates (spins) on its axis. It does not orbit on its axis.

How long does it take for Mercury's moon to orbit around Mercury?

Mercury has no moons.

How long does it take planet mercury to rotatea year?

59 Earth days to rotate on its axis, 87.96 Earth days to orbit the sun.

How long does it take for the how long does it take you planet to orbit the s?

One year.

How long doe it take for Planet Mercury to orbit the Sun?

The length of one year (one revolution around the Sun) onMercuryis 88.0 days.

How long does it take mercury to go around the earth?

Mercury doesn't orbit Earth.

How long does it take Mercury to orbit around Earth?

Mercury orbits the sun not the Earth