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Q: How long does it take silk to dry?
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Remove semen stain from silk?

Take it to the dry cleaners. They can remove just about anything from silk without damaging it.

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Silk duvets are best when dry cleaned, as water will damage them.

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Your best bet is to take it to a good dry cleaner - home remedies usually just end up ruining silk.

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Are most men's ties washable or do they need to be dry cleaned?

Most men's ties are washablt. In the event that it is a silk tie, you may not want to wash it as silk is a delicate fabric and can be damaged quickly. I would take your silk ties to the drycleaner.

How long did it take to travel the entire silk road by land?

it could actually take about 36 days to get to the silk road depending when you and how you get there

How do you remove semen from silk?

To remove semen from silk, first spot treat the area with a gentle detergent or enzyme-based stain remover. Gently blot the stain with a clean cloth, being careful not to rub it in further. Then, hand wash the silk garment in cold water with mild detergent and allow it to air dry.