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it takes 7 years for Eris to orbit 1 rotaion

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Q: How long does it take the dwarf planet Eris to make one rotation?
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How long does Eris the dwarf planet take to orbit the sun?

Eris orbital period is around 557 years.

What planet has a year 560 earth years long?

The dwarf planet Eris best fits this description, with a year about 561 years long.

The closer a planet is to the sun?

No, a dwarf planet is smaller than a planet but bigger than an asteroid, and dwarf planets tend to be a long way out, like Pluto and Eris.

How long is a day on Dysomia?

Perhaps you mean Dysnomia, a moon of Eris. The moon goes around the dwarf planet once every 15.8 days. I don't think its actual rotation has been observed, but if we assume that its rotation is synchronized with its revolution (as is the case with many moons), that would also be 15.8 days.

How long is a day on Dysnomia?

Perhaps you mean Dysnomia, a moon of Eris. The moon goes around the dwarf planet once every 15.8 days. I don't think its actual rotation has been observed, but if we assume that its rotation is synchronized with its revolution (as is the case with many moons), that would also be 15.8 days.

How long in lightyears would it take to travel to Eris the dwarf planet?

A light year is a unit of space, not time. It is the distance light travels in a year. Eris is far less than a light year away.

Is there a new planet in your solar system?

No, there are no new planets in our solar system. They have all been here for a long time! Our solar system has eight planets, since Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet. There are some new dwarf planets: Eris, Ceres, and the newest MakeMake. There are about a dozen more candidates for dwarf planet status. Pluto, Eris, and MakeMake are also considered plutiods, which means they are beyond Neptune's orbit. See Related Links below for more information.

How long does make make to orbit the sun?

The dwarf planet's rotational period of about 7.77 Earth hours indicates a nominal spin for its size, with an equatorial rotation speed of around 550 km/hr (about 1/3 of Earth's). The dwarf planet Haumea is spinning much more rapidly, and Eris much more slowly.

Is one rotation on every dwarf planet a day?

true A day as we understand it is one rotation of the planet earth (24 hours). The term retains its definition despite your location. Unless of course you make it clear that you are referring to the celestial body under discussion. It doesn't even have to be a dwarf planet, any heavenly body will do. 'A day on the sun is only 11 days long.'

The planet with the shortest rotation time?

Jupiter in the planet with the shortest rotation time, with a day approximately 12 hours long.

What Zodiac Sign Is The Planet Eris Related To?

The dwarf planet Eris has no association with any given zodiac sign. It carries themes of discord, petty jealousy and strife, but has not been studied long enough for precise interpretation. Because it takes more than 500 years to travel through a given zodiac sign it applies more to ages of humanity than given individuals.

How big can a black dwarf planet get?

A black dwarf is not a planet; it is the remnant of a long dead star that has cooled. A black dwarf would range from about 7,000 to 17,000 miles in diameter.