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Less time than it takes a mud puddle to dry up.

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Q: How long does it take the sun to burn a leaf?
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How long will nuclear reactions take place ini the sun?

The sun has burned for about 6 billion years and will burn for about 6 billion more.

Do you plant a dwarf red maple in full sun?

Not normally. They can take some sun but in full summer sun will suffer from leaf burn. These are understory trees in nature, and shaded from the hot sun by larger trees. The best situation for them is just morning sun until miday then shade.

How do you get rid of a sun burn?

take a bath in milk. or take a shower do milk or sun screen

What happens if to you if you stare at the sun for to long?

your eyes burn

Does sun block prevent a tan?

No it doesnt.. it just stops u from burning in the sun! The SPF numbers are how long you can stay in the sun without starting to burn... so in theory the higher the number the longer it will take to burn. U will tan regardless! x

How will you get sun burn?

you can get sunburn by being in the sun to long and if you didn't put enough of sun screen or sun block

When will the sun stop shinning?

It may never stop shining, or if you are a Christian, the sun will burn out soon and God will take us all to a perfect world. Sir Isaac Newton took a long time guessing when the sun would burn out. He finally guessed 1948. Bah!

How do you dry a papaya leaf?

Take the papaya leaf from the tree. Dry it under the sun until it becomes dry.

How long does sun burn stay?

1 day if treated

What three bad things can happen if we stay too long in the sun?

get burn or sun taned

Does sunlight make you grow?

No it doesn't, but it can make you get sun burn if you stand in the sun for a long time.

What does sun supply to a leaf?

The sun can supply light and heat to the leaf.