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It depends on how much commitment you have to the sport. It could take anywhere from 2 years to 10 years.


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Q: How long does it take to become a pressional soccer player?
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How many years does it take to become a proffesional soccer player?

It takes as long as a player needs to become very good so it could take a month or it could take 5 years

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In soccer how long does a player have to sit in the penalty box?

There is no penalty box in outdoor soccer. I believe there is for indoor soccer.

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You don't have to go to College

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The average player earns about 500,000 a week year long.

How long does an average professional soccer player play?

30 min

How long is pro soccer practice?

Soccer is usually played around 3-4 hours because they have to practice hard for their games. I know a pro soccer player and that's how long they practice.

How long should a soccer player jog daily?

3-5 Kilometer

How long should soccer player sleep for?

8 to 10 hours a day