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Q: How long does it take to build a municipal solid waste facility?
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Compare municipal solid waste and manufacturing solid waste?

municipal solid waste is where the waste from households and businesses is produced

What is the greatest component of municipal solid waste?


Is municipal solid waste buried underground in incinerators?


Is the quantity of total solid waste per person greater than the quantity of municipal solid waste?

Yes. :D

Three types of solid waste?

Solid waste can be classified into different types depending on their source:a) Household waste is generally classified as municipal waste, b) Industrial waste as hazardous waste, and c) Biomedical waste or hospital waste as infectious waste.

What is a type of landfill that holds municipal solid waste?

A sanitary landfill

What is the trash that is produced in your home and school is called?

Municipal Solid Waste

Which type of material makes up the largest chunk of municipal solid waste?

In 2009, paper made up the largest portion, 28.2% of the United States' municipal solid waste. It was followed by food scraps: 14.1%, and yard trimmings: 13.7%.

The top four components of municipal solid waste that are buried in US landfills listed from highest to lowest is what?

Paper, yard waste, food waste, and plastics.

What are landfills used for afterwards?

A landfill is a specially designed facility for the burial of municipal solid waste. Simply disintegrate into tiny non-degradable pieces after the starch has been to generate electricity, or it can be purified and used as a power-generating fuel.

How should I dispose of my used tires?

Used or waste tires must be disposed of at a solid waste facility permitted to accept waste tires.

What is the full form of mswc?

1) Mississippi Worker's Compensation 2) Municipal Solid Waste Compost