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Q: How long does it take to charge a turtle beach headset?
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How long should you charge your xbox 360 wireless headset?

bout 4 hours

How long is the cord for the turtle beach x12?

16 ft.

How long does the charge last on a ps3 bluetooth headset?

It lasts for about 6 hours of talk time.

What do you do with your turtle?

Take it for a long romantic walk on the beach. and make love to it

How long does it take for a ps3 bluetooth headset to charge?

30 minutes apparently, most of them are faulty anyway.

Can you put your turtle beach in your gamer chair?

Yes, as long as it has audio outputs that the TBs can plug into.

Do turtle beach headsets give you a rash?

They shouldnt, they were designed to be played during long hours of play

Do turtle beach headsets only work for a week?

Turtle Beach headsets are very well made and should last a very long time. If you or someone has a pair which broke in a week, they can able to send it back as it will be a damaged made product.

How long does the Komodo Freedom Bluetooth Headset take to fully charge?

I got that headset last Christmas and for me it works great!! i got a ps3 and its a very good product for its price.... to fully charge it takes about an hour or two but don't over charge cause it can damage the battery( sounds nonsense but its true) hope this helped. . . PD: auto switch off was implemented to save enegu while you arent usin it for a long time.... ;)

Why can't us talk out of the x31 turtle beach headset for xbox 360?

Sometimes the connection can get abit static or non-existant and this can be due to either the ping of the game (too long a ping), or just a flakey connection on the headset, however, there are times when it's actually working and you just don't know it. I.e.: you are talking and the team can hear you, you just cannot hear yourself. Keep experimenting and asking your teammates if they can hear you. You'll get the feedback you are looking for. Also, make sure you don't have your volume turned down, and that your batteries are fresh.

How do you put the HDMI cord on the Xbox 360?

These devices are a total different purpose. HDMI is for visual and audio on a HD TV. Turtle Beach is for audio and/or online voice chat. So just plug the HDMI cable into the HDMI ports on your TV and Xbox. Plug you turtle beach headset into its specific port (USB).

What computer headset has the longest USB cable?

Logic Tech's cord is something like 5 ft long if you choose that headset.