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Q: How long does it take to do an intrvenous pyelogram?
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How much does a intravenous pyelogram cost?

at Stanford - $10,982

What should you watch after intravenous pyelogram?

kidney function

Cpt code for Transurethral resection of bladder tumor with retrograde pyelogram and biopsy?


What type of pyelogram is the radiographic study of the kidneys and ureters using contrast medium injected into a vein?

IVP or intravenous pyelogramKUBPyelogram

What is the medical term for a written record of the kidney?

The simplest x-ray of the kidney is one of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, abbreviated KUB. An IV pyelogram uses x-ray with contrast to examine the kidneys.

Why is a retrograde ureteropyelogram performed?

performed to determine the exact location of a ureteral obstruction when it cannot be visualized on an intravenous pyelogram

What is the medical term meaning study of the urinary system?

Nephrology is the study of the kidney. A doctor who specializes in that field is a nephrologist.

Pigtail stent in a retrograde pyelogram?

I just had a retrograde pyelogram done. I asked my doctor if he is going to use stent and if he left inside do I have to come back for another procedure to remove them? He told me that he will use the strings to pull them out in his office on follow-up visit. And I think that is same as pigtail stents. Please confirm this with your doctor.

What is the medical term meaning surgical repair of the renal pelvis?

Pyeloplasty means surgical repair of the renal pelvis.pyeloplasty

What is the name of the record obtained when a contrast medium is injected into the vein at particular times and x-rays are taken to observe kidney function?

intravenous pyelogram

Propofol is intrveno?

Propofol is intrvenous anesthesia, so it means they will not have to intubate you , which means they won't put a tube down your throat and have a machine breath for you, so propofol is considered safer than having a tube down your throat, which is done during major surgery

How long did it take to get there?

How long does what take?