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Rough distance in miles from Calais to Budapest is811 miles or 1304.9 Kilometers.

By Road: If you were in a road vehicle maintaining an average speed of 40mph (64 kmh), it would take you approximately 20.3 hours to travel from Calais to Budapest

Average SpeedOverall time40 mph20.3 hours55 mph14.7 hours70 mph11.6 hours

By Train: If you were in a train that averaged 100mph (160.9 kmh) it would take you around 8.1 hours to travel from Calais to Budapest

By Air: If you were in a plane and maintained an average airspeed of 450 mph (724.1 kmh), your travelling time would be approximately 2.3 hours for Calais to Budapest. (includes 30 mins fannying about time)

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Q: How long does it take to drive from Calais to Budapest?
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