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Well, if you were going to get them, you would have got them when you were around 12. If not, don't worry. They're disgusting.

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Q: How long does it take to get full armpit hair?
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How long will it take to get your armpit hair to be clean?

Less time than the hair on your head. hair is hair.

How long does it take for lag hair and armpit hair to grow back after shaving?

Around a month.

How Long does it take to get armpit hair threw puberty?

It just depends on the person

How long did it take you to have noticeable armpit hair after it first started to appear when you were 14?

Mine first started to appear when I was twelve but when I was 13 it was full grown so about a year and it will be at full legth

Do dogs get armpit hair?

Dogs have hair all over. Including their armpits. There is hair in the area that would be an armpit, but dogs do not have arms, so they don't have armpit hair per se.

Will you lose your armpit hair when you take the medicine for cancer?

i think not because my college teacher had cancer and believe me she didn't

How long does a full head of hair take to grow?

Hair typically grows at the rate of 1/2 inch per month.

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it depends on how much hair is in the brush

If armpit hair has begun to grow how much longer will it take for it to be noticeable if you are 14?

Everyone's body is different, so there's no real answer to that. But I can assure you it WILL eventually grow, and you shouldn't think too much about body hair.

What are the developments in girls after puberty?

Some develepments in girls after puberty are your hips are wider, you start to develop breasts, you have your period, pubic hair, armpit hair, you have to wear deodorant, and you might have to take showers every day.

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Pretty long

How long will it take to grow your hair down to your elbows?

depends how long your hair is now