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It can take up to 21 days because it involves a lot of processes.

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Q: How long does it take to get my tax money back?
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Related questions

How long does it take to get a tax refund back?

5 to 6 months

How long does it take the irs to take there money you owe them Will my tax refund be offset even though the irs process my tax return?

Yes if you owe the IRS money your tax refund will be offset, and usually if they are aware that you owe them money, they will offset it immediately.

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Apparently, take long weekends and spend my tax money

How long does it take to get your Alabama tax refund back?

Oh, coupla years...

How long does it take to get back money from a p87?

P87 is the Federal Income tax form to claim your Mileage, once posted it takes about 6 to 8 weeks depending on staffing.

Will they take your tax returns for your spouses debt?

the taxation people are never fusy about where money comes from as long as they get it.

Can a loan company take your tax refund?

No one can simply take money from you. If you owe money to anyone and fail to pay it back then that person or organisation needs a court order.

How long does it take for the IRS to send the custodial parent money that was taken from non-custodial parents tax return for back child support?

the IRS MUST hold the money seized for a minimum of six months giving the other parent time to appeal the decision to seize the money for back support

How long does it take for the custodial parent to receive a payment from the garnishment of federal taxe refun for back child support arrerages?

It can take up to 6 months to receive tax money if filing jointly or if filing single it can take up to 10 weeks

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WHEN do the loans start where you can get money on your taxes and pay it back when you get your tax money back?

How long does it take to get your taxes back in the state of Ohio?

The time it takes to get your taxes back in Ohio depends on many factors, such as the type of tax.

Where does the sales tax money go?

My Back Pocket.