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My cough from an ace inhibitor is ongoing for nearly 4 months.

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Q: How long does it take to get rid of a cough after stopping ace inhibitors?
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How long will the cough last after stopping lisinopril?

If it lasts longer than 2 weeks after stopping the medication you should see a doctor. Typically the decrease in frequency begins to start about 8-10 days after stopping the medication, though if you are taking other drugs it could be a bit longer. Put the full stop date on your calendar and if the dry- cough continues after 14 days make an appointment with the doctor. It has taken as long as 2 months for a few people to fully stop a Lisinopril cough. This is a great medicine for many and if there are no alternatives I would not stop the medication before speaking with your doctor. Almost 35% of individuals get the cough after taking the medicine (anywhere from 2-10 days following the initial dose, though it could take more than 2 months for healthier individuals) Hope this helps.

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