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Q: How long does it take to go around Saturn 6 times?
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Around 10 hours.

How long does Saturn the planet take to get around the sun?

Saturn goes around the Sun once in about 29.5 Earth years.

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How long does it take for Saturn to rotate around the sun?

29.5 earth years

How long does it take Saturn to compete revolution around the sun?

29.4577 years.

How long does it take Saturn to rotate around the sun?

It takes 29.5 of our years to revolve around the Sun.

How long does it take for the sun to go around Saturn?

It takes approximately 29.5 Earth years or 10,759 Earth days for Saturn to orbit around the sun.

How long it take Saturn to rotate around the sun?

1 1\2 year

How long dose it take for Saturn to revolve around the sun?

24.4 earth years

How many times do Saturn take to rotate around the sun?

The question is a bit mixed up. I guess it means "How much time does Saturn take to revolve around the Sun?", probably. The answer to that is : about 29 and a half Earth years.