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Q: How long does it take to recover from acid rain damages?
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What chemical reaction take place when acid rain damages buildings made of carbonate rocks?

The reaction that occurs when acid rain damages carbonate rocks is an acid-base reaction.

How does an acid rain form?

An acid rain forms due to both sulphuric and nitric acid making it acid rain. Acid rain damages buildings, metal structures, soils plants and animal life

What negative things about acid rain?

It damages skin and the air

What is the acid rain?

Acid rain precipitating rain that is polluted once it evaporates, but doesn't contain acid. It is called acid rain, because it damages usually statues, or rock.go to this website

What are advantages of acid rain?

There are NO advantages in acid rain. Acid rain has dissolved the harmful fumes from factory and vehicle pollution to turn neutral rain into acid. This acid then damages plants, animals, landscapes and buildings as it falls to earth.

What are some effects of acid rain?

Acid rain destroy's forest damages property and harms wildlife. Lakes and rivers are effected by acid rain because when the acid rain falls in to the lakes and rivers it turns into polluted water.

How is it possible for acid rain in other parts of the world to affect us in new zealand?

Acid rain damages a plants germination process. If to much acid rain= is given to it, it will die. (SAD) :-(

How can acid rain harms trees?

the high alklinity of the rain damages the tree and weakens it imunity and its systems

What are two effects of acid rain?

harms organisms, and damages stone and metal

How does Germany's acid rain affect other countries?

Damages property and crops

What damages to plants is done by acid rain?

soil will be dry then plants will die

How does acid rain affect the black forest in Germany?

Damages property and crops