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After a Liposuction procedure a patient can expect to see the full results around the six week to two month mark. Liposuction does take a toll on the body and will not yield immediate results, it takes time to heal.

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Q: How long does it take to see the final result from a liposuction procedure?
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Related questions

Who are eligible in a liposuction procedure?

Anyone is eligible for a liposuction prodcedure as long as they have extra fat. If you have enough fat to have some removed and still be proportioned you would be eligible for this procedure.

What are the long term effects of ultrasonic liposuction?

"Ultrasonic liposuction is a new procedure where an ultrasound is used to help guide in the removal and liquidation of fat cells. It is more efficient at removing the fat(aka adipose tissue) than traditional methods. The problem is that any liposuction can cause dimpling of the skin long after the procedure. The side effects are the same for all liposuction, but no specific long-term studies are found due to this being a fairly new procedure."

What is the typical recovery time for knee liposuction?

"Typical knee liposuction recovery time is about a month, sometimes it can take longer. Knee liposuction is a very invasive procedure so it may take a long time for your body to recover."

Is vaser liposuction an outpatient procedure?

Vaser liposuction is an outpatient procedure. You are still put to sleep while the process is going on and you must wear the girdle afterwards, but you can go home the same day as long as there are no complications. In the United Kingdom most vaser liposuction procedures are performed under local anaesthetic and sedation. It is important that you consult an experienced Vaser liposuction Doctor. Doctors undertaking Vaser have to undergo special training on the machine prior to accepting Patients. If you request a general anaesthetic then this maybe an option but expect to pay more for this as the hospital costs are increased when you stay overnight in hospital. The concept of vaser liposuction is that the procedure is gentler on tissues than traditional liposuction, so most Patients tend to tolerate the procedure well under local anaesthetic and sedation.

How long before liposuction results?

Typically, it takes about a week for most patients to see a result after the swelling has gone down.

How long is the liposuction procedure in a center in Chicago, IL?

it all depends on the surgeon and the mass which has to be taken out. if a large amount of mass has to be taken out than it might take long and multiple operation as well.

What are the long turn effects of a liposuction tummy tuck?

"There are many long term side effects of liposuction. Some of these include: dimpling, scars, pain, and numbness. More serious side effects can occur from liposuction on the thighs."

What are the main risks of a bad liposuction procedure?

Every surgical procedure has risks and Liposuction is no different, but the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons has recognized Liposuction as a safe and effective method of removing localized fat areas. The most common risks of Liposuction include infection, allergic reactions to anesthesia or to medications, friction burns, organ damage, fluid accumulation, blood clots, excessive fluid loss, and long healing time. The amount of fat being removed can increase the risks associated with Liposuction because more fat will require a prolonged surgery. To minimize potential Liposuction side effects, risks, complications, or other problems, make sure you fully understand the procedures you wish to have done, and discuss your expectations and concerns with your physician. Minor Liposuction complications, problems, and general dissatisfaction can be minimized by fully understanding the risks and benefits associated with Liposuction and having realistic expectations. It is extremely important to choose a cosmetic surgeon who will clearly and thoroughly explain potential Liposuction side effects and risks. He or she should also have proper and extensive training, along with state-of-the-art facilities and a good standing in the field. Severe complications can be minimized by disclosing your entire medical history to your doctor and discussing all prescription and over-the-counter medications you take on a regular basis. Patients should be good candidates for Liposuction and fully understand what is involved in this procedure. To maximize the success of Liposuction surgery and minimize the risk of complications, always follow your cosmetic surgeon's instructions for surgical preparation and postoperative care. If you smoke, your cosmetic surgeon will advise you to stop two weeks prior to and following Liposuction surgery. You may also choose another avenue for fat removal. There are non-surgical Liposuction alternatives available to patients who are not good candidates for Liposuction or simply prefer other methods.

Will I get stiches after liposuction?

Scars are a normal occurrence when incisions have been made. Liposuction is no different since it involves incisions, however the surgeon will carefully treat and place incisions in areas that are better concealed or in creases. Over time the scars from liposuction will begin to fade until they are hardly noticeable. There will always be a hint of a scar remaining after liposuction. These scars are only a few millimeters long, however.

Is it normal to be numb long after liposuction?

Yes but only for a day- or two

What should I ask at my liposuction appointment?

First, you should ask if you are a good candidate for the procedure. It's also important to ask what restrictions you will have after the surgery, such as walking, lifting, and other activities. If you work, you should ask if you will need to take time off and how long.

What are the long term side effects of having the ablation procedure?

Long term side effects are rare for this type of procedure, however there is a possibility of uterine perforation. Damages to some other internal organ is possible as well which can result in the necessity of a blood transfusion.