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Q: How long does it take to start getting pregnancy symphoms?
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it should start in about 35 days, if not a pregnancy test should be administered.

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How far along into pregnancy do you start getting the symptoms?

it can be different for everyone. i was pregnant back in august i had a miscarriage but about a week andf a half into it i started having signs and it wasnt long after that that i lost it. so from maybe a week and so on.

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6 hours

How long you will know if you are pregnant?

People start showing signs of pregnancy as early as two to three weeks.

What is the chance of your tongue piercing getting infected if your three months pregnant?

generally pregnancy does not interfere with piercings. if your pregnant and you have your belly button pierced, put a zip tie or long bar in it so the piercing will not tear. its likely that if your tongue is infected that it is not pregnancy related. try getting a long bar, and see if that helps.

How long does it take to get pregnant again after pregnancy?

It all depends when you start ovulating again. You can get pregnant again without ever getting a period since the egg comes before a period. If you breast-feed your period typically comes back later.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after being off the shot six months?

Being off the shot for that long, you are no longer protected from pregnancy.

How long does it take to start showing?

You can show during your third month in pregnancy. You need to gain about five pounds to start showing your belly. Your skin will stretch and this causes it to itch.

During 20th week of pregnancy cervix is softening but is still long and thick on ultrasound Is this necessarily a bad sign?

No, it is not necessarily bad. As long as it is long and thick, that's very good. Your cervix will change daily during pregnancy and can take months to thin down enough to start dialating.

How long should it take for your girlfriend who is 15 to start feeling pregnancy signs she had her cycle Feb 27 you had sex March 9 and you didnt pull out?

go to the drug store and get a pregnancy test, that's the easiest way

How long after sex can you get pregnancy symptoms?

The first sign is missing your period. But after you have sex you have a month maybe a month in a half til you start having symptoms.