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It would be the same whether you drank the water or not. About a month. Water dilutes the THC a little so it will decrease the concentration, so just drink more water than usual.

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Q: How long does it take weed to get out of your system if you drink 50 cups of water?
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How long does it take to get weed out of your system if you drink water?

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Drink lots of water to get it out quicker. Like non stop water.

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A long time but drink water, lots A long time but drink water, lots

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Type your answer here... just drink plenty of water and your system flushes out.

How long does it take to drink 50 cups of water without dying?

I don't know exactly how long..depends on the cup size and how much water is filled in the cup.So i say go look it up on google.

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Depends on how much of it and how often you smoke it. Drink lots of water and cranberry juice to get it out of your system faster.

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It depends on your level of body fat, how much water you drink, and how often you urinate.

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atleast one to three days, drink plenty of water!

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they can drink as long as 20 min.

Does metabolism affect how long THC stays in your system?

yes, if your metabolism is fast and you are skinny THC will stay in your system as short as 1 day, as long as you drink lots and lots of water(;

How much liquid to drink and what vitamins and minerals to take?

You should drink at least 8 cups (1.8 liters) of water a day. As long as you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, vitamins and mineral supplements are not necessary.