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For my hamster, it to about 10 seconds for her to become physically fertilized.

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Q: How long does it take your female dwarf hamster to be fertilized?
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Related questions

How big are female dwarf hamsters?

Dwarf hamsters never usually get big. My female hamster was only about 3 or 4 inches long. Hope this helped! (:

Is there such a hamster called a long haired dwarf hamster?

All Dwarf hamster are short-haired. The Russian Dwarf, Winter White, Chinese Dwarf, Roborovski's dwarf, etc. The long-haired hamsters are Syrians.

Can a male Rob dwarf hamster mate with a winter white dwarf hamster?

Yes, as long as you do it right.

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How many different kinds of hamsters are there?

there is -Chinese dwarf -Russian dwarf -syrian hamsters - whinter dwarf - robo dwarf - golden hamster - Russian Campbell dwarf djungarin hamster, and many more!

What are all the specis of hamsters?

There is lots like, Syrian, Chinese dwarf hamster, Campbells dwarf hamster, Robo dwarf hamster, Russian hamster. My favorite, is the blueberry campbells dwarf hamster and the Syrian hamster. They are the sweetest and easy to hold. NOT THE ROBO"S!!!

Do dwarf hamsters live as long as golden hamster?


Is it okay if a long haired hamster drinks from a dwarf hamster bottle?

it is okay for any hamster to drink out of a hamster bottle as long as you clean the bottle.(you should clean it everyday)

Is the Syrian hamster a dwarf hamster?

No. There is a notable size distinction between the Syrian Hamster (5-7" long) and the dwarf hamsters (Chinese, Russian, Roborovski), which are rarely longer than 4".

How many teeth does a dwarf hamster have in what dentition pattern?

my hamster i think they are dwarf because i know that dwarf hamster are like 3 to 5 inches.. So their teeth are like rabbits but little,my hamster has short at the front up teeth and long at the front down teeth, and color yellow and this is not my hamster..

How long does it take for a Chinese dwarf hamster to learn to roll it it's dust bath?

It is different for every hamster.

How many hamsters can a Syrian hamster give birth to?

A Syrain Hamster can give almost the same amount a Dwarf Hamster can give to. The number per liter depends on how long the female has been active with the male. For more Information, visit: