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50-60 seconds.

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Q: How long does it take your heart to pump blood throughout your body?
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How long does it take to your heart to pump blood throughout your body?

50-60 seconds.

How long does it for your heart pump blood throughout your body?

more than 50 second for minutes

How long does your heart pump blood throughout your your body?

more than 50 second for minutes

How long does it take for your heart to pump blood throughout body?

more than 50 second for minutes

Can a person survive for a time on life support if the heart has been removed for organ donation?

As long as a machine is pumping blood throughout the body I don't see why not.

How long does it take for your heart to pump blood to your body?

12 minutes

How long does it take for a heart to circulate blood through a body?

It takes about 1 minute for the heart to circulate blood through the entire body.

Why is it important the heart doesn't get tired?

The heart rests between each beat. As long as the myocardium (heart muscle) receives sufficient oxygenated blood and maintains a proper rhythm, it can (and must) perform this beat/rest cycle throughout and organism's entire life.

How long does the blood travels?

The blood travels from the heart, all through the body and then back to the heart again. This whole process only takes a matter of minutes.

Is it bad to hold your breath too long?

YES because if you don't your body might not be able to pump blood throughout the body.

What are long-distance chemical signals that travel in blood or lymph throughout the body?

Hormones, or chemical messenger, is introduced into the blood or lympathic system then travels to other parts of the body.

How long does it take to punp a quart of blood?

It takes the average heart about twelve seconds to pump a quart of blood through the body.