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Q: How long does it takes for a uterus to heal after having a miscarriages at five weeks?
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At 13 weeks your uterus can be felt right above the pelvic bone, at 20 weeks your uterus can be felt at your belly button. A multiple pregnancy (twins, etc) will cause more rapid growth of the uterus.

Has anyone had to take medication to bring the undeveloped fetus down. My baby died at five weeks but the sack was 7 weeks and it has been 11 weeks in total and they say it is still inside me?

You have to have a Dilation and curettage to get it out. it's an abortion method that means they will scrape the uterus. This must be done or you will get serious infections. This is very common at miscarriages.

How big is your uterus at six weeks pregnant?

At six weeks your uterus is approximately the size of a plum!

How long does it take for a uterus to heal after having a miscarriage at 24 weeks?

24 weeks is not a miscarriage but premature birth. The healing process is the same as after a full term birth, 6 weeks.

Do you feel your uterus in lower abdomen?

You generally can't feel the top of your uterus until after 12 weeks. Before then the uterus is tucked behind your pubic bone. Of course if you are having uterine cramping, you can tell where the cramps are coming from.

Can you tell if your pregnant in your tubes if it only two weeks?

If you are having a tubal aka eptopic pregnancy you can find out at 2 weeks bc your egg emplanted in your tubes and not your uterus which would have taken it another 2 weeks to travel there.

Can your partner feel a difference in having intercourse if you are only a few weeks pregnant?

It wont change the vaginal canal so no they can not. They can not feel the uterus.

When having cramps 2 weeks before your expected period is it a sign of pregnancy?

This is normal, ovulation takes place up to 2 weeks prior to you having your period.

How many weeks does the blood in the uterus disappear after delivery?

3 weeks

What are the terms for a woman who has had 3 miscarriages and 2 live births?

There is no specific medical term for a woman who has had 3 miscarriages and 2 live births. However, she may be considered as someone who has experienced recurrent pregnancy loss or recurrent miscarriages. It is essential for her to consult with a healthcare professional or a fertility specialist to determine any underlying causes or potential treatment options

I am 9 weeks pregnant and am having stomach cramps?

as long as your not bleeding with the pain everythhing should be ok....its normal to cramp because your uterus is streaching

If a woman is three weeks pregnant and takes a pelvic exam will it show she's pregnant?

No. Your uterus hasn't started growing yet. The baby has barely implanted