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As far as I know Librium (chlordiazipoxide) starts to work 15 mins after ingestion and reaches peak effect in around 3 hours but does continue to have a slowly deminishing effect for upto and over 24hrs. When you take doses for say a dtox (4 times daily) each dose tends to have more effect as it builds up in the blood this is why the dosage is gradualy reduced day by day so as to slowly wien your body off it, as it is very addictive and sudden withdrawl can have some nasty side effects for some people.

As for trace drug tests I realy couldn't say in all honesty .. hope this goes some way to answering your question.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Librium is a long acting benzodiazepine and can remain in the body for up to four weeks. There are several determining factors such as overall health and the person's age.

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11y ago

How long does Librium stay in your body. My son was in the hospital for oppoids withdrawn and was on Librium about every 2 hours. How long will Librium stay in your urine

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15y ago

It has been known to stay in your system in upwards of two weeks.

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12y ago

Well i'm a police officer and i know the offects librium has. i'ts best to drink alcohol at least 5-10 hours after taking any kind of drug.

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14y ago

10 minutes maybe.

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