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The movement around the Sun is called "revolution", not "rotation". It takes Mercury 88 days for one revolution - almost three months.

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Q: How long does mercury take to rotate once around the sun once?
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How long does it take Mercury to rotate on it's axis?

Mercury rotates once in about 58.6 Earth days.

How long are the days on mercury?

It takes 58.6 Earth days for Mercury to rotate on it's axis once.

Which panet takes 59 days to rotate?

Mercury. Its takes around 58.65 days to rotate once on its axis relative to background stars.

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No, it take Mercury 58 days 15 hours to rotate once.

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Because it takes almost the same time to rotate once on its axis, as it takes to revolve once around the sun.

Why does a day in mercury last 59 earth days?

Because - Mercury takes that long to rotate once on its axis. Each of the planets in our solar system ratates at different speeds

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24 hours

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How many days does it takes mercury to rotate once?

if you mean around the sun it takes about 88 days or 87. something i can't remember

How long is one rotation period in mercury?

It takes Mercury 58.66 Earth days to rotate on it's axis.

How long does it take to make the sun rotate around earth?

The Sun does not rotate around the Earth, nor does the Earth rotate around the Sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun each year, and each body rotates about its own axis: once a day for the Earth, once in about 25 days for the Sun.

How long does Mercury take to rotate 360 degrees?

The Mercury Year (time to revolve around the Sun) is 3/2 the Mercury day (time to revolve once on its own axis relative to the distant stars) Mercury orbital period about 87,97 Earth days Sidereal day (relative to the stars) 58,7 earth days.