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Q: How long does mouth fungus treatment take?
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Epsom salt soaks are a natural alternative for toenail fungus treatment. It will take persistence, but people have reported good results. It is an easy and inexpensive toenail fungus treatment method. For more details and soak directions:

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Can a person get fungus on the tongue?

Yes, it's called Oral Thrush here in the UK and it is treated with anti-fungal medicine. It can often occur when you take antibiotics for another problem, say a chest infection, and the antibiotics kill the normal flora, making room for opportunistic infections. Medicine may only be prescribed depending on where you live. Hope this helps.

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What cures toe nail fungus?

There various treatments for nail fungus, like topical treatment, oral Treatment etc. Laser Treatment is by far the most effective and safe way to cure nail fungus. It's painless, usually takes around 30 minutes. Oral medicines can have side effects such as kidney and liver damage. It usually takes around 2 or 3 months for Oral medicines to treat toenail fungus, but the successful rate is less than 50%. These medicines usually cost a lot, ranging from $250 -- $1500 depends on the frequency, dosage, and length of time you'll need to take them.